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Tuesday 10 October 2017


October 10, 2017

⏫I heard of a real life story of how a Pastor was seeing the heat of God's miraculous power in his church but all this came to an end when an old 🔥woman🔥 died in the church, they had to make some enquiries with serious prayers to God why there was no more manifestation and it was made known to them the woman that died was the prayer house of the church and was the key reason of the manifestation of the Pastor.

⚡⚡Luke22:44 - And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground⚡⚡.

⏪⏩Many have confined there thought in seeing Jesus with a gentle and no talking spirit in prayer, but my friends I can tell you from scriptures and experience that's wrong,
🔳It's impossible for a man sweat to be like drops of blood even in dry season without spending hours at the alter of prayer, it's almost in impossible to silently pray for 3hrs without the Holyghost or without lifting your voice📣📣📣 up to the Lord lest you struggle, the baptism of prayer comes with a spirit of authority🎤🎤 which can never be silently exhibited.

🔽Praying in the Holyghost, helps you pray always, even as you walk, sleep, eat, stroll and many more.

↔My friends have you ever wondered why Jesus was always going to the mountain🌇🌇🌇 to pray or how Jesus could pray all night, there was a garment of prayer upon Jesus and when this garment of prayer comes upon you, it comes with radicality, just like an army going for battle but using the garment of prayer as his battle axe, my brother this doesn't happen silently except in rear cases.

I was going to an atm outlet and 3persons before me were not paid as it wrote insufficient fund🏧🏧🏧, well I went there
notwithstanding the discouragement, then i said to myself why are my a Christian⛪⛪ and so I made a little prayer in the Holyghost and as I inserted my card, i was paid the lady before me said :but I also used the same access bank with you and I smiled and told her I called the name of 🔥🔥Jesus.
It's very had to intimately be with God in the place of prayer and not be productive.

My friends, Jesus lived a constant life of prayer, with this kind of spirit your daily work with God becomes miraculous.

⏩What are you complaining of, God is expecting to always see you at the alter of prayer, just like Jacob wrestled with God, you can't wrestle with God just by fasting or studying God's word it happens in the heat of Holyghost filled prayer.

⏩Whenever the Holyghost shows me the praying spirit of Jesus, I only see a man telling the Father without you i can do nothing, I only see a man wanting to operate in heaven from the earth, I only see a man always going to the world of the spirit to get fire.

⏩If you want to do so much for your master pray, pray, pray don't confine yourself to a silent denominational doctrine because you would be lacking so much.

⏩This is the life I desire, were my drinking water becomes prayer, were my food becomes prayer, desire this life with all your heart and you would receive it.

⏩Any ministry, any revelation, any sermon birthed from prayer must yield result, this is why we have plenty of half baked Christian. ⏩I never see Jesus struggling in ministry or anything, one of his secret was prayer.

💃💃The beauty of your ministry, gift or calling can only be sweet when it's wrapped up in prayer.

Always remember many times, God would do nothing except men pray no wonder the Bible says men ought to pray and not to faint.

May this simple sermon of prayer help us to see Jesus more.

🌞🌞🌞I type this post from my heart, don't read alone but SHARE TO OTHERS IN EVERY GROUP AND SOCIAL MEDIA.

*Believe in the Lord Jesus, accept him today as your Lord and saviour, remember tomorrow might just be too late*. Jn3:3 - except a man is born again he cant see Gods kingdom make that decision today... SEE YOU IN HEAVEN MY FRIEND🔥🔥🔥
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