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Tuesday 10 October 2017


October 10, 2017

Temptation is part of God's purpose in your Christian life, Satan is doing the tempting work God allowed him to know those that are like him (the devil) and will be going with him to hell. Satan is determined for this work, but he cannot win you without you, if you agree with the devil to sin and be overcomed by sin he will win but if you say no he can never win. how can you say no? if you follow the bible the Satan cannot win but if you reject the bible the soul that breaketh a hedge the serpent will bite him. Temptation and the eye, seeing those naked picture on facebook mistakenly doesn't mean you have sin but continue to look at it then you are a sinner. What do you do when you see immoral scenes, pictures, videos mistakenly? scroll off?.
            Temptation and the mouth, when the devil brings a gossiper to you don't join him to gossip, show disinterest don't talk, be doing something else he will flee, when you feel like insulting others remind yourself that you are dust, when rankling against correction remind yourself that God resists the proud but give grace to the simple, when people correct you and say this your skirt is too short, go and change it, or this your hairstyle is worldly go and cut it down, or this your cloth is too tight, transparent we are seeing what you are wearing inside, don't get angry, take correction.

            Temptation and the ear, when they are singing those songs, find your way out or distract yourself, when that boy is telling you what happened in the club or immoral discussions
rebuke him don't laugh, don't smile, don't listen Temptation and the body, when you have some feeling to commit immorality don't do it, don't obey, it is the motion of the carnal man,
when you feel like lusting over your body or masturbating distract yourself, pray, sing, read the bible, do something spiritual Temptation and the mind, when those immoral thought
comes wave it off, pray it off, quote scriptures, speak in tongues even, the devil must not win. VANITY UPON VANITY, DON'T LOOK BACK HELL FIRE IS REAL RUN FOR YOUR LIFE PLEASE!, Jesus is Ready to Receive you back. Shalom!

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